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North Korea President Name

Kim Jong-un: North Korea's Supreme Leader

Early Life and Rise to Power

Kim Jong-un, born on January 8, 1983, is the third and current Supreme Leader of North Korea. He succeeded his father, Kim Jong-il, in 2011. The early years of his reign saw a significant consolidation of power and an acceleration in North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.

Ruthless Reign

Kim Jong-un has established himself as a ruthless dictator, eliminating potential rivals within the regime. He has also ordered the execution of his uncle, Jang Song-thaek, and other high-ranking officials. He has maintained an iron grip on power, suppressing dissent and cracking down on human rights.

Foreign Relations

Kim Jong-un has been a controversial figure in international relations. He has met with former US presidents Donald Trump and Moon Jae-in of South Korea in an attempt to improve relations but has also continued North Korea's nuclear and missile programs. This has led to increased tensions with the United States and its allies.

Nuclear and Missile Programs

North Korea has made significant advancements in its nuclear and missile programs under Kim Jong-un's leadership. The country has conducted several nuclear and missile tests, raising concerns about its potential threat to regional stability and global security. The United Nations has imposed sanctions on North Korea in response to these actions.


Kim Jong-un remains a central figure in North Korean politics and international relations. His ruthless reign, nuclear and missile programs, and unpredictable foreign policy have made him a major concern for the international community. The future of North Korea and the stability of the Korean Peninsula will largely depend on his actions and the responses of the United States and its allies.
