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Grand Jury Vs Jury


Juries in the United States Court System

Types of Juries

The United States court system employs two distinct types of juries, each serving specific functions:

Grand Jury

A grand jury is a panel of citizens tasked with investigating potential criminal conduct and determining whether sufficient evidence exists to charge an individual with a crime. Grand jury proceedings are confidential.

Trial Jury

A trial jury, also known as a petit jury, is responsible for determining guilt or innocence in both criminal and civil cases. Trial juries typically consist of 12 jurors and hear evidence presented by both parties before coming to a verdict.


These two types of juries play crucial roles in the American judicial system. The grand jury helps ensure that only cases with sufficient evidence proceed to trial, while the trial jury decides guilt or innocence based on the facts presented in open court. Together, they serve as essential safeguards for the rights of both individuals and society as a whole.

