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Bidenomics Explained

Bidenomics: A New Era of Economic Policy

Understanding Bidenomics: A Contrast to Reaganomics

President Joe Biden has introduced the concept of "Bidenomics," an economic agenda that contrasts with the Reaganomics policies of the 1980s. Bidenomics, an approach based on public investment, worker empowerment, and competition, diverges from trickle-down economics, which Reaganomics represented.

The Core Principles of Bidenomics

Bidenomics centers around three fundamental principles: public investment, worker empowerment, and competition.

  • Public Investment: Bidenomics aims to direct government spending towards infrastructure, education, and clean energy initiatives, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth.
  • Worker Empowerment: This aspect focuses on strengthening labor unions, enhancing worker protections, and promoting fair wages.
  • Competition: Bidenomics seeks to break up monopolies, encourage new business formation, and promote fair trade practices, fostering a competitive business environment.

The Impact of Bidenomics on the Economy

Bidenomics is believed to have several potential impacts on the economy:

  • Job Creation and Economic Growth: Public investment and worker empowerment are expected to create jobs, boost demand, and contribute to overall economic growth.
  • Reduced Income Inequality: By empowering workers and implementing fair trade practices, Bidenomics aims to address income inequality, closing the gap between the wealthy and the rest of the population.
  • Increased Competition and Innovation: Promoting competition encourages businesses to innovate, introduce new products and services, and improve efficiency.
  • Green Energy Transition: The focus on clean energy investment supports the transition to a low-carbon economy, reducing environmental impact.


Bidenomics is a comprehensive economic policy with the potential to reshape the U.S. economic landscape. By emphasizing public investment, worker empowerment, and competition, Bidenomics aims to create a more equitable, competitive, and environmentally sustainable economy.

Analysis by Michael Sasso, Bloomberg, August 15, 2023, at 2:42 pm

The White House: Bidenomics is growing the economy from the middle out, not the top down
