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Doj Guidelines

Questions and Answers on the Application of the ADA's Integration Mandate and Olmstead to Employment and Day Services for People with Disabilities

Department of Justice Rescinds Restrictive Regulations on Guidance Documents

On July 1, 2021, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued an interim final rule that immediately rescinded two regulations adopted in 2020. These regulations had imposed unnecessary and burdensome restrictions on the DOJ's issuance and use of guidance documents.

DOJ and FTC Release 2023 Merger Guidelines

On December 18, 2023, the DOJ and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) jointly released the 2023 Merger Guidelines. These guidelines describe factors and frameworks that the agencies often utilize when reviewing mergers and acquisitions.

Victim and Witness Treatment Guidelines

The DOJ has established guidelines to be followed by its officers and employees in the treatment of victims of and witnesses to crime. These guidelines cover various aspects of victim and witness treatment, including privacy, safety, and access to information.

1995 Bank Merger Competitive Review Introduction and Overview

This 1995 document provides an introduction and overview of the competitive review process for bank mergers. It covers topics such as the statutory framework, the competitive analysis process, and the factors considered in evaluating mergers.
